Managing images

Once you have added an image to a page, it will be uploaded to your media library. Before doing so, you may want to review the following sizing and aspect ratio recommendations.

Image size recommendations

HarvardSites WordPress supports high-resolution images used in our blocks and components. The table following summarizes the suggested image sizes to use in your site.

Image typeWhere it’s usedMinimum recommended sizeOptimal for best qualityAspect ratio
ThumbnailsPost list480 x 270 px960 x 540 px16:9
HeadshotsDirectory content type690 x 8651380 x 17304:5
HeroHero component1920 x 8253840 x 165021:9
Card50/50 card480 x 4802630 x 26301:1
CardVertical card480 x 270960 x 54016:9

Note: the image collage block has a number of image layout options with varying aspect ratios and recommended dimensions.

How to crop an image from your Media Library

You may want to crop in image already uploaded to your media library to fit images within the aspect ratios provided in the previous table.

  1. In the Dashboard left sidebar, select Media > Library.
  2. Find the image that you would like to crop within the thumbnails or by searching for an image file. Click on the image. 
  3. Click Edit Image.
  4. Click on Crop in the top left menu bar. Adjust how you would like the image to look and crop settings using the arrows and dragging the image settings. 
  5. Click Apply Crop when finished. 
  6. Click Save Edits to apply your changes.

How to bulk add images to the Media Library

We recommend to use the Media Library when you need to bulk upload a variety of images that editors can use for their content on the site. 

  1. In the Dashboard left sidebar, select Media > Add New Media File.
  2. Drag a file to the media library or click Select Files to select files to be uploaded. 
  3. Click on Edit on the row of any of the images that have been uploaded.
  4. Optionally edit the title, add alternative text, a caption, and description to the image. 
  5. Click Update on the bottom right to save your changes.