
What is a paragraph block?

A paragraph block allows you to enter text for your page or post. This is a core WordPress block and it is the default block when you’ve added a new block using the block editor. It has a toolbar that hovers above when the block is selected that lets you make formatting changes to your text, such as adding hyperlinks, bolding, etc.

Example of a paragraph

Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Quisque ut nisi. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam. Etiam sollicitudin, ipsum eu pulvinar rutrum, tellus ipsum laoreet sapien, quis venenatis ante odio sit amet eros. Nullam vel sem.

How to add a paragraph

  1. In the page edit view, add a new block called Paragraph. Note: since paragraph is the default block, you often can just start typing when opening the block editor without having to explicitly add the block.
  2. Type or paste your text to add content to your page or post.
  3. If needed, use the toolbar above the block to further format your text.

Toolbar formatting options

  • Paragraph: Clicking on the paragraph icon lets you change your content to a heading or a numbered or bulleted list. If you would like one line to be a heading, put that heading text on its own line to transform it to a heading and select heading options (change from H2 – H6).
  • Drag or move block: You can drag a block of text or move it to a different position on the page with these controls.
  • Align content: You can align your content left, center or to the right with the align controls. 
  • Bold: Bold the text
  • Italic: Italicize your text
  • Hyperlink: Add a link to your text. Search for the name of your page, if linking to an internal page/post. Select and hit enter.

Under the carrot/arrow you have many other options available including: 

  • Footnote: This will customize your content selected as a footnote in the paragraph. This is a small superscript number with the main content that displays the reference if you hover your mouse over it. This will also show the footnote content at the bottom of the page
  • Inline Image: Add an image within your content. We recommend using the image block to insert images in between content blocks, do to more accessibility capabilities
  • Keyboard Input: Changes the content into a “code” or looking like a keyboard input that users can copy and paste quickly and easily, so it is distinguishable from the rest of the content on the page. 
  • Language: Change the language of selected text. 
  • Strikethrough: Adds a strikethrough the selected text. 
  • Subscript: a character that is set slightly below the normal line of type
  • Superscript: Superscripts are above the baseline