
What is a list block?

A bulleted (unordered) or numbered (ordered) list can be applied to any paragraph or heading block or created as its own block. You can change a paragraph to a list by selecting the paragraph symbol and changing to a list. This automatically provides a bulleted list for your selected content. You can add new bullets by starting a new line. Lists have the same toolbar formatting options as the paragraph block.

  • Indent: You can indent or unindent your list.
  • Bullets: You can pick between a bulleted list or a numbered list.

Example of a list block

  • Item number one
  • Item number two
  • Item number three

How to add a list block

  1. In the page edit view, add a new block called List.
  2. A List block with a List item block nested inside will be created.
  3. Type or paste your text. You can create new list items by hitting Enter on your keyboard to start a new line.
  4. It will be a bulleted / unordered list by default. To change to a numbered list, select the List block. In the top toolbar, select the ordered icon.
  5. To change the indent of any list item, select the List item block. In the top toolbar, use the Indent icons to adjust.
  6. If needed, use the toolbar above the block to further format your text.