Managing categories & tags

What are categories and tags?

Categories and Tags can be applied to Posts. The Posts content type can include news articles, press releases, blogs. You can edit both Categories and Tags in the Posts section of the left sidebar menu of the Dashboard. Both Categories and tags can be managed the same way.

Category: Use categories to bundle content together in a genre. So things like entertainment, sports, etc that are a bit more general and can describe a large group of articles rather than a single post. We recommend using categories over tags to structure and organize your post content.

Tag: These are keywords that are very specific to an individual post and indicate the topic(s) that your individual post seeks to cover. Tags are more ad hoc than categories.

Navigating to manage to categories or tags

  • To manage Categories, navigate to the Dashboard > Posts > Categories.
  • To manage Tags, navigate to the Dashboard > Posts > Tags.

Note that the same concepts for adding and managing apply to both Categories and Tags.

Add new categories or tags

  1. Fill out the form on the page for Add New Category.
    1. Name: Fill in the name of the category as it should appear on the site. 
    2. Slug: The slug represents the URL-friendly version of the name. For example if your category or tag was called “Interdisciplinary Research” your slug may be interdisciplinary-research. 
    3. Parent Category: You may select a parent category based on the categories that are already in use on the website. This category would be nested under the parent category. An example would be a parent category of “Interdisciplinary Research” and the sub-category could be “Computational Data Research.” Note: there are no Parent Categories for Tags.
    4. Description: This is an administrative description of the category that you are creating. This will not show visible on the page that the category is represented on.
  2. Click on Add New Category. 
  3. You will now see your category displayed in the right hand menu with other categories that are available on the site. 

Note: you can also create new Categories or Tags directly from the Post edit screen.

Managing categories or tags

On the right side of the screen you will notice a list of all of your categories that have been created on the site, a description of what that category represents (if applicable), the slug that is applied to that category and the count of posts that have that category applied to them. 

  1. To manage a category, hover over the category name. You will see options to Edit, Quick Edit, Delete and View the option.
  2. Click on Edit or Quick Edit to make any changes or click Delete to remove the category all together. 
  3. Click on View to see the category page for the publicly viewable site. This page will list all posts tagged with that category.

Applying categories & tags

Categories and tags can be applied to any post created on the site. You can add several categories and tags to any post that you have created on the website. Once your post has been created, you can edit settings for that particular post: 

  1. Create or edit an already existing post.
  2. In the Post settings on the right side of the post edit view, select the Categories or Tags panel
    • For Categories, select the check boxes for the ones you want to have applied to the post that you are creating or select Add New Category to create new categories on the fly.
    • For Tags, search for already existing or create new tags on the fly in the search box.
  3. Once your page is Published or Updated, the Categories and Tags will be applied.