Editing existing content

How to edit an already existing piece of content

There are two ways to edit content for your site. This method is the easiest one if you already know how to find the page you would like to edit you can easily find the page within the site’s menu structure.

Approach 1: Edit directly from the page

  1. Navigate to the page on your site that you would like to edit.
  2. Click Edit from the top admin menu.
  3. Make your content updates on the page edit screen that appears.

Approach 2: Find and edit content from the Dashboard

  1. Determine which content type the content you need to edit is.
  2. In the Dashboard, click on the left admin sidebar for the type of content you would like to edit. 
  3. Search for the content that you would like to edit using the search bar on the top right, or select a piece of content from the list of content available and click on Edit
  4. Make your content updates on the page edit screen that appears.

Publishing your edits

  1. Click Update in the top right corner to save your changes. 
  2. In the bottom left corner, a prompt will appear to say Page Updated. Visit Page. Click to view your published update on the page.