50/50 Cards
What is a 50/50 card block?
The 50/50 card is a horizontal content “band” that typically displays an image on one side and text information on the other. It can include an image, in addition to an eyebrow, a title, a description, and an action button.
How to add 50/50 cards:
- In the page edit view, add a new block called 50/50 Cards.
- The following empty blocks will be placed: a 50/50 Cards block with Section Heading and 50/50 Card Items blocks nested within.
- In the section heading block, optionally fill out the Heading and Introduction fields or add Calls to Action links by clicking the plus icon in the lower right.
- Fill out the first card by adding an Eyebrow, Heading and/or Body text. You can also add the following by using the block settings on the right sidebar:
- Add an Image and alt text by using the Alt override field.
- Image position: Choose whether the image should be displayed on the right or left.
- To add more cards, select the parent 50/50 cards items block, then click the plus sign at the lower right.
- Select the outermost 50/50 cards block to show further configuration options in the block settings in the right sidebar:
- Card heading level: Select the heading level which fits in your content’s hierarchy.
- Change the width/alignment or color scheme.